Get Ready to Go Back to School!

Get Ready to Go Back to School!

Back to school time is here! While kids are lingering outside to soak up the last of the summer sun, teachers are getting their rooms and lesson plans ready and parents are running back and forth from the doctor’s office, stores, and the mall. It’s one thing to get all the “stuff” ready for the change, but something else to get ready is yourself.

Back to school comes with excitement, stress, and a lot of germs. These are our top tips to go back relaxed:

Take 10 Minutes to Yourself Daily: You can’t pour from an empty cup. Start and end your day with meditation to clear your mind. Your thoughts and feelings will become centered and you’ll be more able to handle the mental and emotional weight of the back to school season.

Make Your Mornings Easier: Now is the time to ease back into that school year bedtime schedule. Find grab and go breakfast solutions like egg cups or a high protein granola that will keep your crew satisfied until lunch. Finally, make sure everyone prep’s their morning before bedtime: choose clothes and shoes, pack lunches, backpacks and bags, phones on their charger stations and keys on the hook, ready to walk out the door!

Boost Your Health and Immune System: A custom wellness drip from DripDrive can rehydrate and revitalize you. With micronutrients like Vitamin C to boost immunity and B Complex vitamins to boost energy, an IV drip at the beginning of the school year can help you feel ready for the carpool line, the ball field, or the blackboard!

An IV infusion takes less than an hour, but the benefits are worth much longer. And if you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you! Call Drip Drive in El Paso for your back to school appointment!

Custom Wellness Drips Available

Custom Wellness Drips Available

Most diets out there focus on food macros: carbs, fats, proteins. Those are the big three. There are plenty of micro-nutrients that you need to be consuming as well. Most of them we can get from fresh fruits and vegetables.

It’s easy during the summer when farmers markets and fruit stands are open everywhere.  But when you have trouble getting the right nutrients, you can start to get sick or feel a certain malaise. Enter Drip Drive of El Paso!

Mid-Week Pick Me Up!

Get those nutritional powerhouses straight into your body.  A Wellness Drip offers a custom blend that will include the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy and energetic, or ward off that “bleh” feeling you get after traveling out of town. Packed with Vitamin C, and antioxidants, our Wellness Drips can give you a healthy edge on your competition and the germs floating around your office!

Nutritional Rescue

Feel like your diet is mainly processed foods, but don’t know how to break the cycle? A Wellness Drip can help!  Highly processed carbs don’t contain much nutrition. When you start adding more natural foods, your body will thank you.

But if you just can’t make yourself cook or eat enough fruits and vegetables, get your micro-nutrients in a 100% bio-available way!  The custom drip bags at Drip Drive will help you fill the gaps of what’s missing from your diet.

Keeping your body healthy is the best way to perform at work, at play, and at life in general!

Come down to our brick and mortar store to find out about our custom IV bags and other drip options for wellness and lifestyle needs. We can tailor your next hydration session to just about any needs you might have.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment or home visit. We hope you’ll agree that there’s just nothing like Drip Drive!

Three Things You Need to Beat the Heat During Summer Training

Three Things You Need to Beat the Heat During Summer Training

Even the most highly trained and experienced athlete can succumb to the summer heat in El Paso. It will dry you out, zapping your electrolytes and your energy, making your body work harder to recover the muscles. You know the harder you train all summer will make you stronger in the fall, but until then, you wonder if you can even make it.

The combination of heat and exercise can leave you severely dehydrated.  To stay healthy and perform at your best, you need three things:

  • Hydration
  • Amino Acids
  • Pain Relief

Drink Your Water (More Efficiently)

Staying hydrated is more than getting eight glasses of water each day. If you’re an athlete, you know that you need to drink more than that just to replenish what you’ve sweated off!  An IV drip is another efficient way to get hydration and electrolytes into your system.

Everything in a hydration IV bag is absorbed to your bloodstream, and won’t leave you feeling bloated or cold. And since there’s no caloric load, unlike typical sports drinks, you don’t have to feel any guilt afterward.

Custom IV Drips Can Include Amino Acids!

Rigorous training will break down your muscles, so it is important to have a recovery plan in place other than just taking a rest day 1-2 times per week. Amino acids are essential to recovery; not only do they prevent muscle break down, but they encourage new growth. Drip Drive can make a custom blend for your post workout recovery!

No More Soreness!

Aches and pains after rigorous exercise is normal, but you don’t have to wait them out. Contact Drip Drive of El Paso! A custom blend drip can decrease the pain you’re experiencing and increase your ability to move through your day (or next workout) normally. Schedule your appointment today with our brick and mortar store, or have a nurse come directly to you, wherever you are.