It’s Hard to Watch Her Fight

It’s Hard to Watch Her Fight

It’s been a hard day. The third chemo treatment started out fine, but once she got home the vomiting started. You helped her get settled in bed and covered up with the light-weight blankets that she preferred. You left a basin, in case the vomiting continued, a glass of cool water, and a cool washcloth on her forehead. It’s what she did for you when you were growing up and feeling sick, and it’s the only thing you know to do for her.

When your mom, aunt, or grandmother has cancer and you are the caregiver, it takes its toll on you, but mostly you put that feeling away because it’s taking a toll on her even more. You’ve watched her hair come out in clumps. You’ve changed bandages from her surgery and administered the scheduled medications. You’ve researched and researched till your fingers are numb and your Google-Fu gives out.  You even crocheted a beanie cap to keep her head warm. But there is only so much you can do to help her feel better, and you’re running out of options.

Consider a Visit to Drip Drive

One of the best things you can do to help your loved one feel better is checking into an IV Drip treatment.  At Drip Drive in El Paso, we offer IV infusions that can help people suffering from the effects of chemo and radiation. The Meyer’s cocktail that we base our infusions on is packed with vitamins, minerals, and hydration.

Call and schedule a home visit so she doesn’t have to even get out of bed! The treatment lasts 30-60 minutes after which she’ll feel more like her old self than she has since her diagnosis. At Drip Drive in El Paso, your health is our primary concern.

Sandwich Generation: Everyone Gets A Bite

Sandwich Generation: Everyone Gets A Bite

You’re spending your forties taking care of your mom and your kids. Between getting her to her chemo treatments and doctor appointments, then shuffling the kids to soccer, dance, and piano lessons, you are beyond tired. But one way or another, you know you have to keep going, so you find a way to keep pouring yourself out to others. The problem is that eventually, your cup, the cup you pour from, will be empty.

You must find ways to care for yourself as well as you care for others or you will burn out. There are several ways you can take some time out to recharge your batteries:

  • Meditate: Begin including a few minutes of meditation in your daily routine (we like this app for meditation guidance.) This practice can help you clear your mind, focus, become calm, and emotionally level.
  • Take Time to Move. It doesn’t have to be a tough HIIT class or Soul Cycle. You don’t even need to go to a gym. Find a yoga program on YouTube or your streaming provider. Take a half hour in the morning to go for a walk and breathe in the fresh air.  Take a dance class you’ve always been interested in but never had a chance to learn.

…Or, Get an Infusion

If taking the time to meditate and move aren’t enough to give you the energy to get through your week, let alone each day, you may need outside help.  An IV infusion from Drip Drive may be exactly the thing you need to jump start your routine and mental clarity. The infusions we offer for energy and general wellness are specially compounded and full of vitamins to help you get your mojo back. Walk in at our brick and mortar location in the Lomas Del Rey area, or call 915.626.4672 to schedule an appointment for our mobile clinic to visit you at home!